Monday 5 September 2011

Trust the Universe!

Its so interesting to actually experience something that you just read in books and watch in movies.....

So i always made fun of all these "self help" books that would harp and stress on " if you want something bad enough and put all you energies into wanting it the universe conspires to make it happen"!!!!  My argument with them has always been that they never seem to tell people that you also need to work towards getting it... I mean just pasting one full wall with fake notes and staring at it every day is not going to get you money!!! Or walking past that Beemer show room and really really wanting that 7 series BMW is not going to drive it into you garage!!!

You need to work at getting it....

Now the last few months I know I've been on and on about wanting to work and get back to weddings and all that... And i applied to every wedding planner and event company (that i really wanted to work with anyhow!)  and i spent everyday online trying to understand whats been happening with the wedding industry while I've been out of it, and starting this blog so i can document all things weddings..... I've been doing and doing.... but somewhere because I've been so insecure about my own capabilities.....

I have not wanted it enough or I was too scared of it happening so the universe got all these mixed signals and I didn't get a single job!!

How ironical!!

It works both ways... you cant just "do" and not trust that it will happen, neither can you just trust and not do.

I know someone who has the strongest faith in the world.... literally...he can just want something and it will happen... but when it comes to serious things and more material things where he actually has to work for it.... and he doesn't because he believes his faith will give it to him.... but no, no amount of his faith and trust will give it to him....

The universe is a strange place.... it balances things out in its own way... I have to be more trusting and have more faith and my friend... he has to do his part of work, so that the universe can give us both exactly what we want... or what we deserve?!!!!!!

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